as in popular, trendy, showing up as an appetizer on restaurant menus.
And the deviled eggs I’ve been making lately are hot too…nice and spicy!
I’ve been making the most delicious deviled eggs with just three ingredients. Because why make things complicated?
These eggs are the perfect little snack. They taste great (seriously, who doesn’t like a deviled egg?) and the protein and healthy fat will keep you satisfied. Paired with some fresh veggies they make a quick and easy lunch.
Here’s the rundown:
🐣 Eggs are the main ingredient here. Whenever possible I use pastured eggs. Because happy chickens make good eggs. Eggs are awesome for you, especially the yolks which contain fat soluble vitamins that many of us don’t get enough of. Eggs are also high in biotin which is great for your hair, skin and nails.
🐣 Mayo is another important ingredient. For years, I stopped using mayo because most commercial mayo is made from crappy industrial seed oils (soybean and/or canola) that are not doing your body any favors.
Sometimes I would make my own mayo with clean ingredients, but let’s get real…who has time for that?! Then I discovered Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil Mayo. It tastes great, and is made from the cleanest ingredients. Avocado oil is amazing for you…give it a try!
🐣 Frank’s Red Hot just makes me happy because it tastes so great! I’ve tried all kinds of hot sauces and keep going back to this one. The ingredients in the original formula are very clean. In a perfect world the peppers would be organic, but I’m not going to make myself crazy.
A quick word about hardboiled eggs: Making them used to terrify me. Because even though I have no problem eating a runny yolk in an over easy egg, I completely freak out if the yolk is not cooked through in a hard boiled egg.
I don’t care how you cook your eggs. If you have an Instant Pot they supposedly come out perfect. You can buy the pre-cooked hardboiled ones, which I have certainly been known to do. Sometimes I do mine in the oven…here’s a post I wrote on that:
I may have gone a little overboard…
You really don’t need a recipe for this. Cut the eggs in half, scoop out the yolks, mash with the mayo and hot sauce.
But for those of you who want specifics, here you go:
happy, healthy and HOT deviled eggs
1 dozen hard boiled eggs, cooled and peeled
2 tablespoons Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil Mayo
2 tablespoons Frank’s Red Hot Original
This is seriously the easiest thing ever. Cut the eggs in half lengthwise. Carefully scoop the yolks into a medium sized bowl.
Mash yolks with a fork, add mayo and hot sauce. Mash and stir until combined. Use a spoon to put the mixture into the egg halves. If you are anything like me there will be a few duds…egg whites that tear or just don’t look right. Thats ok, they will still taste amazing!
So there you go. That was easy!
Can these deviled eggs help you feel happy, healthy and hot? Without a doubt!
You will be happy eating a delicious snack that actually fills you up and is made with healthy ingredients. Getting enough quality protein and healthy fat can help you maintain your ideal weight, have more energy, and get your skin glowing. Very hot!
Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil Mayo
[…] Deviled eggs are hot right now… […]
[…] Deviled eggs are hot right now […]
These look good, I might try mashing with avocado and hot sauce too. Delicious! I just love eggs, we were only allowed 1 egg every couple of days as children because of the “cholesterol”, so it always feels like a treat!