I’ve had fun testing out sunscreen, mascara and lipstick. But being happy, healthy and hot really starts on the inside, and I believe what you eat can make a big difference.
Whether you are vegan, or paleo, or somewhere in between, everyone agrees we could use more vegetables in our lives. I’m always looking for ways to do that, and here’s what I’ve been really into lately…

How cute are my Jamberry polka dot nails?
Shaved brussels sprouts! Now, I already love brussels sprouts. One of my first posts was on roasted brussels sprouts. Back when no one was actually reading this blog. Here’s the link: Fall treat…roasted veggies
Roasted brussels sprouts are delicious, but they do take time. Lately I’ve been seeing shaved brussels sprouts all over the place, either prepared in store at places like Wegmans, or pre-packaged like the ones I found at Target.
They cook super quickly and are a nice change from the roasted ones. (Don’t ever just boil or steam your brussels sprouts….they usually turn out mushy. That’s how they got a bad name in the first place!) Now you know I rarely measure anything, but here’s how I prepared them:
I heated the biggest skillet I have on medium and poured in some avocado oil. Unlike some oils that degrade easily, avocado oil is very heat stable and has a delicious, buttery taste. It’s in my amazon store at a good price.
You could also use grass fed butter (Kerrygold is the tastiest in my book!) or ghee. (Check out my post here: O M Ghee!!!!!!!) Or even olive oil. (Oh, yeah, I did a post on that too….Has your olive oil lost its virginity?) Remember, you don’t need to be afraid of fat. Healthy fats like these are not only providing your body with nutrients it needs, they are also helping it absorb the nutrients in the vegetables. And let’s face it, they make everything taste better!
I dumped in the bag of shaved brussels sprouts, shook on a generous amount of Himalayan pink salt and stirred frequently until they were cooked to my liking. It took a little less than 1o minutes, but will vary depending on how finely the brussels sprouts are shaved.
The bag said it contained three servings…for me it was more like two!
You could also use shaved brussels sprouts in any slaw recipe that you have, which is a great way to get more raw vegetables. I haven’t tried this yet, but plan to.
Brussels sprouts, like other cruciferous vegetables, are full of glucosiolates. These are important phytonutrients that our bodies use to produce cancer-protective substances. They provide many antioxidants, such as vitamins A and C, manganese, and a variety of flavonoids. They are also a great source of fiber to help with your digestion.
So, can shaved brussels sprouts help you stay happy, healthy and hot? You know the drill by now…of course they can! You will be happy you are eating such a tasty and quick veggie dish. There are countless studies showing the heath benefits of brussels sprouts, and cruciferous vegetables in general. And the good fats, vitamin C and fiber are all supporting healthy glowing skin, which is always hot!
I’d love to hear from you? Have you tried these?
YUM!! Will try these….have a wonderful week!! XOXO
Thanks Jill…you too! You will love these…so easy and good!