I believe in taking action like working out and cooking healthy meals, but I’m just as big on positive affirmations, meditating, prayer and journaling.
Which is why I was totally open to trying a distance Theta Healing session with Melissa Bersamina. And I’m so glad I did!
So you’re probably wondering what I’m even talking about.
Melissa offers distance healing sessions via phone or Skype that combine Theta Healing, reiki and chakra alignment. These sessions can help to break through limiting beliefs and feel more balance, as well as providing a mental, spiritual and emotional uplift.
I was not familiar with Theta Healing until I heard about it from Melissa who has received extensive training. The healer (Melissa) goes into a meditation that brings attention to belief systems that are no longer serving you, replacing them with positive energy.
Reiki is a form of energy healing that is very balancing. I have had reiki sessions in person, but never had one done remotely before.
Chakra alignment is the process of balancing the chakras, or energy centers of the body. When one or more is blocked, imbalance occurs.
Here’s how it works…
After booking a session with Melissa, you’ll fill out a questionnaire. I don’t remember exactly what was on it, but I know it asked some questions about areas where I needed healing and balance and asked what I hoped to get out of the session.
I went into this whole thing very open minded since it was completely new to me.
Our session was done over the phone and lasted about an hour. At the designated time, Melissa called me and explained how it would work. I really didn’t have to do much except sit in a very comfortable spot and answer some questions as they came up.
I felt very relaxed the entire time and the hour passed very quickly.
Some really interesting stuff came up. Going through my chakras, Melissa detected feelings of fear, guilt and grief. The grief was particularly strong, and during the session a very painful memory came up that I had suppressed. Melissa helped me work through the feelings of guilt and grief and helped me to understand that I am doing the best that I can and my intentions have always been good.
What was exciting to me was that Melissa felt power and confidence in my solar plexus, which is a reflection of how I have been feeling. She said my throat chakra was open and I am speaking to the world as my higher self. This is something that I was holding back on before.
There are not enough words to describe how I felt after the session…renewed, restored, safe, calm, peaceful, balanced, strong, centered, grounded and inspired come to mind.
My session was early afternoon and I worked that evening. I felt a very calm, focused energy all night.
Over the next few days I had some real breakthroughs. I felt pretty chill and relaxed, but some pretty deep stuff came to me while walking or journaling. The details are too personal to share, but I was able to recognize and let go of a fear that was holding me back from success in my business.
Would I recommend a healing session with Melissa? Absolutely. I plan to do it again.
Will your results be the same as mine? Of course not! This is a highly individualized and personal experience.
You can check out Melissa’s website right here: Modern Goddess Melissa
Follow her on Instagram @moderngoddessmelissa for inspiring content.
Can a session with Melissa help you to feel happy, healthy and hot? Most definitely!
You’ll feel happy doing something that is helping you stay balanced and healthy. And that inner light that shines when you are feeling glowing and radiant is very hot!
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