I’m not talking about haunted hayrides, scary movies, or the crazy displays in those seasonal Halloween shops that pop up in strip malls each year. I love that stuff! (Unless it involves clowns…then count me out.)
I’m talking about the aisles full of Halloween candy in practically every store you go into this time of year.
There is something so appealing about fun size candy bars in seasonal packaging. You buy some for the trick or treaters, or to put in that cute jar on your kitchen counter, and end up eating half of them yourself. And feeling like crap.
Been there, done that.
The jar really did look cute.
So that’s the scary part of Halloween…dealing with all the candy.
Which is why I am sharing this valuable list…my top 5 happy, healthy and hot tips to avoid eating too much Halloween candy and feeling like crap.
🎃 Savor the season in non-food ways, like visiting a pumpkin patch or going for a long walk when the leaves are starting to fall and are all crunchy. Love that! Take a drive to look at the gorgeous fall colors. Go on a hayride. (Confession…I love the concept of hayrides but can’t stand the itchy feeling. I’ll tolerate it for a good haunted hayride however.)
🎃 Enjoy all of the other seasonal flavors… things like crisp apples, ripe pears and baked winter squashes. Beets are awesome this time of year. Go to your local farmers market and pick up some fresh produce. In other words, it’s not just about the candy.
🎃 Don’t bring giant bags of your favorite candy into the house if you can’t resist it. In other words, why set yourself up to fail? If it’s not in the house you are that much less likely to eat it. If you feel you have to shop for Halloween candy early, buy the stuff you don’t really care about. And while you’re at it, make sure you are well stocked with real food. You wouldn’t want to tear into the candy just because there was nothing else to eat.
🎃 Make healthier versions of your favorite treats, like whipping up your own PSL in the blender with collagen peptides. Here’s how I do that:
Fall means colorful leaves, beanies, and the opportunity to wear more pleather…
🎃 And finally, my fifth tip… go ahead and have a piece of candy! Yep, I’m telling you to eat candy. Mindfully.
What is the one that you really want…the candy that brings back happy memories? Maybe it’s Reese’s cups. Or a big caramel apple rolled in those little chopped peanuts. Or a Twix bar.
For me, it’s a full size Hershey bar. These was a big old house on St. Davids Avenue that always gave out full size Hershey candy on a silver tray when I was a kid. My sister and I thought this was pretty much the best thing ever.
Whatever your special treat is, buy it, bring it home, and allow yourself to truly enjoy it. Sit down and focus on it. Don’t check your email or Instagram. Don’t even read your favorite lifestyle blog. (It’s happy, healthy and hot, right?) Just enjoy that treat, and move on.
For more info on avoiding sugar cravings, read this recent post:
Pour some sugar on me
So there you have it! Can these tips help you feel happy, healthy and hot? Of course!
You will be happy enjoying the season…not just your special treat, but all of the sights, sounds, tastes and smells. You will be active and enjoying some fresh seasonal produce, which will keep you healthy and in shape. If you make my PSL with collagen peptides, you’ll also be supporting prettier skin, nails and hair. And with that fit body and gorgeous skin, hair and nails, you’ll be very hot!
Great post. With you on the clowns thing!
Thank you! And yeah,lifelong fear of clowns!