I would be dating Jason Derulo, eating nothing but organic food purchased from local farmers, and wearing fabulous shoes.
The reality is that I am not dating Jason Derulo (yet), and I buy my food at Target when I don’t have time to get to the farmer’s market. But I do wear some pretty fabulous shoes!

Always wear pleather to Target
Here’s the good news…
you can do pretty well at Target!
I’m going to show you some things I saw recently on a quick Target run. This is not an exhaustive list of every healthy item at Target…just what I noticed on a rainy Friday morning.
Since I’m big on veggies, that’s a good place to start. Target has a decent selection of produce, fresh and frozen. I like the pre-washed veggies in bags that just hold a few servings. Some of them say you can steam them in the bag, but I never do that. Too much plastic! I just cook them however I normally would, whether it is roasting or lightly steaming. I have bought the broccoli, whole brussels sprouts, and shaved brussels sprouts many times.
The shaved brussels sprouts are so good I wrote a whole post on them. (Quick veggie tip) And I love the sugar snap peas.

I love these snap peas raw…sometimes I pack them as a car snack
There is also prewashed organic baby spinach and spring mix, for a quick salad. You can throw the spinach in a smoothie too. Target almost always carries fresh pineapples and avocados. They are not organic, but that’s ok…they’re on the Clean Fifteen list. If you don’t know what that is, read this post: Coming clean.
Oh, and something else on the Clean Fifteen is sweet potatoes. Target carries some that are peeled and diced, ready to pop in the oven and roast till they get soft on the inside and a little crispy on the outside. Soooo good!
There is also a nice selection of frozen organic produce. I’ve bought the broccoli and cauliflower.
For the first time, I noticed grass-fed ground beef with the fresh meats. I also love the frozen Alaskan sockeye salmon, which is always good and fairly priced.
In the baking aisle, you can find some nice oils to use. They carry California Olive Ranch olive oil, which is one of the few large brands that has not been selling fraudulent oil. (For more on that situation, read Has your olive oil lost its virginity? ) They also carry Nutiva coconut oil, but you can get that for a much better price in my amazon store. Just saying.
The “Simply Balanced” line of organics is Target’s own brand. I have used their pasta sauce and added some browned grass fed beef for a quick meal. The different varieties of salsa are good too, and when you need a treat, their organic blue corn chips with flax seed are amazing. You really want your corn products to be organic, otherwise it’s most likely GMO and heavily sprayed with pesticides. Not good.

Love these chips!
I have been happy with the line of spices carried by Target as well. To find out why you should choose organic spices, read Let’s spice things up.

One way to spice things up;)
There are more and more packaged organic snacks available at Target and other retailers these days. The good news with stuff like that is you are avoiding GMOs. But remember these products are still highly processed and probably not doing you any favors.
You could make a great easy meal with some of the items I spotted on this trip. The Alaskan sockeye salmon is delicious baked with some California Olive Ranch olive oil drizzled on top. Roast the diced sweet potatoes right along side…probably have the oven at about 375. They taste amazing roasted with coconut oil. Maybe a little broccoli on the side, and you’re good to go!
So, can shopping at Target help you feel happy, healthy and hot? Sure, just wear pleather and some great shoes! Seriously, you’ll be happy with the convenience. Buying organic as much as possible helps you to avoid GMOs and pesticides, which supports your overall health. And if you’re eating things like sockeye salmon, coconut oil, and lots of green veggies, you are on your way to great skin and a nice body. And that’s hot!
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