a few months ago? Not Justin Beiber and Jason Derulo…I talk about them all the time! I’m actually referring to the cute little fruit I was into back in December, called Satsuma Mandarins. They were only in season for a month, and I couldn’t get enough of them. You can read that post right here if you missed it: Are these guys cute or what?
Well, those Satsuma Mandarins have a bigger, badder cousin, called the Sumo. And I am just as obsessed!
Like the Satsumas, Sumos are available for an extremely limited time. And you can’t get them just anywhere. I have only ever been able to find them at Wegmans and Whole Foods.
They are typically sold by the case. Warning…these guys are pricey. A case contains anywhere from 7-9 Sumos, and they go for $14-$15 per case. But they are huge, as you can see.
Besides having the most delicious, sweet citrus taste, Sumos are super easy to peel, and they are completely seedless. I have been buying them for the past four or five years and have yet to find a seed. And even though they are juicy, they are not at all messy since they peel so easily. Like all citrus, they are loaded with vitamin C, and also contain folate, potassium, and fiber.
No need to give you any recipes…you can figure this out…Sumos are a perfect snack. Like any fruit, they might give you a bit of a sugar rush when eaten on their own. Maybe have a handful of nuts with them. Or have a Sumo with your coffee or tea. Don’t forget to mix some collagen into your beverage!
So, can eating a Sumo help you to stay happy, healthy and hot? Yep! The sweet citrus taste will make you happy (so will the fact that there are no seeds or mess!) The vitamin C helps to boost your immune system…all fresh citrus helps you to stay healthy. (That’s why I start every day with lemon water.) And as far as hot, if you’ve been following this blog you should already know that vitamin C is awesome for your skin. It keeps it bright, and boosts collagen production.
That’s all I have for you today…have you tried Sumos? They’re only around for a short time. Grab some if you can!
Love it!! I saw those at Wegmans on Monday. Didn’t get them. Better go do that!!!
You will thank me…they are soooo good!